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How to Highlight Text in WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, offering various formatting features to enhance communication. While it doesn’t have a traditional “highlight” feature like a word processor, WhatsApp allows users to emphasize text using built-in formatting styles. Here’s a detailed guide on how to “highlight” or emphasize text in WhatsApp chats.

Formatting Text in WhatsApp

WhatsApp supports rich text formatting using special characters to modify your message’s appearance. Here’s how you can apply these styles:

1. Bold Text

To make text bold, enclose it in asterisks (*). For example:
*This is bold text*
This is bold text

2. Italics

To italicize text, use underscores (_) around the word or phrase.
_This is italic text_
This is italic text

3. Strikethrough

To strike through text, use tildes (~) on either side.
~This text is strikethrough~
This text is strikethrough

4. Monospace (Code Style)

To use monospace formatting, place three backticks () before and after the text. **Example**: This is monospace text **Output**: This is monospace text“`

Combining Formatting Styles

WhatsApp allows combining multiple formatting options for added emphasis.
*_~This text is bold, italic, and strikethrough~_*
This text is bold, italic, and strikethrough

Using Third-Party Apps for Text Highlights

If you’re looking for more advanced “highlighting” features such as colorful text or different fonts, third-party apps or tools can be helpful. Popular apps include:

  1. Stylish Text (available on Android and iOS): Provides various text styles and decorations.
  2. Fonts for WhatsApp: Allows you to create custom fonts and styles to make your messages stand out.

Copy and paste the formatted text from these apps into your WhatsApp chat.

Using Emojis and Symbols to Emphasize Text

Another creative way to highlight text in WhatsApp is by pairing your message with emojis or symbols. For example:

  • Use color-related emojis: 🌟⭐✨
  • Add emphasis: 🔴IMPORTANT🔴

Tips for Better Text Highlighting

  1. Keep it Simple: Overusing formatting can clutter the message. Highlight only important parts for clarity.
  2. Stay Compatible: Formatting works across all platforms, but some fonts or styles from third-party apps might not display correctly on certain devices.

By using WhatsApp’s text formatting options, you can effectively “highlight” or emphasize your messages to make them stand out. Experiment with the styles and combine them to suit your messaging needs!


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