Safety Tips if You are Traveling to New York for the First Time

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Although New York City is considered one of the most secure big cities in the United States, it’s still crucial for visitors to remain vigilant and make wise choices while visiting the Big Apple.

The city’s law enforcement is always there to protect and look out for visitors, ensuring their safety.

However, it’s important to note that travelers in this city, just like in any other, should still exercise caution to ensure their safety. Navigating the bustling streets of the city might seem overwhelming, but fear not! With a little common sense, along with following the below precautionary tips, you’ll be able to maneuver like a pro.

  1. Look Out for Cons

If a nicely dressed man comes up to you asking for cash for a train ride because he lost his purse, don’t assume that he’s too elegant to be trying to take prey from you.

Also, it’s important to avoid playing card games on the street because there’s a high chance that someone, or even everyone involved, is trying to scam you. If you participate, you’ll likely end up losing your money. Instead, consider safer gambling options like playing slots online using casino coupon codes.

Be cautious while traveling, as there are scam artists out there who specifically target unsuspecting tourists. They look for easy opportunities to take advantage of people, so it’s important to stay vigilant. In Times Square, you might come across costumed characters who like to interact with visitors and take photos together.

However, it’s important to note that some of these characters may ask for a tip following a photograph. Be cautious when dealing with swindlers who may try to sell you counterfeit tickets for popular attractions that are actually free.

  1. Keep Valuables Away

Make sure you don’t let a stolen wallet hurt your vacation. Make sure to keep your belongings nearby and stay aware of what’s happening around you. It’s a good idea for women to consider using a purse they can carry across their bodies. And for everyone, it’s a good practice to avoid keeping things in the back pockets.

Be extra cautious of pickpockets who work together in teams. One person will create a commotion to divert attention, whereas their partner uses the chaos to steal valuables from unsuspecting people nearby.

Pickpockets are often drawn to street performances. When you take a moment to acknowledge the local talent, it’s important to be attentive to the people and activities around you.

  1. Avoid Crossing the Streets Against the Lights

Perhaps you occasionally find yourself crossing the street when the signal is red. Sometimes, when there’s nobody nearby, you can manage to avoid any consequences. But you know, in New York City, it’s pretty rare to see the streets completely empty.

Crossing the crosswalk without waiting for a green light can be quite risky, as you’re essentially putting your life at stake. Some drivers can be quite inconsiderate and won’t bother to slow down even if you attempt to cross the road when it’s not your turn. They will simply assume that you will move out of their path while they are approaching you.

The streets are often filled with cars, and it’s hard to tell if any of the drivers are intoxicated. Every year, tens of thousands of people lose their lives on US roadways, and considering how crowded the streets of NYC are, it becomes even more important to adhere to every single pedestrian traffic law.

  1. Don’t Shy Away from Asking for Help

In New York, you’ll find a pretty sizable police force keeping things in check. They make sure to have a visible presence, especially in busy tourist areas and around major venues, like after a sports event or concert. If you ever have an inquiry or a safety concern, don’t hesitate to approach a police officer. They are there to help and provide assistance.

If you don’t spot one right away, feel free to ask a local or step into an outlet and inquire with the person at the counter. A couple of subway stations in most popular neighborhoods actually have these little police stations inside.

  1. Practice Caution when Finding Accommodation

Did you know that New York City has more than 100,000 hotel rooms? Before making reservations, it’s important to ensure that you choose a hotel room that is safe. One way to do this is by analyzing hotel reviews and gathering details regarding the community where the hotel room is positioned.

When it comes to deciding where to stay, opting for a hotel is generally a safer choice compared to alternatives like homestays or couch surfing. Hotels typically provide amenities like a secure internet connection, round-the-clock security, and access to a safe for your belongings.

When you’re in your room, make sure to keep your valuables safe by putting them in the safe provided. Also, take some time to introduce yourself to the friendly staff at the reception and the helpful concierge.

  1. Avoid Public Toilets

Unless you absolutely need to use them, most locals tend to avoid public toilets. It’s quite surprising that a bustling city like New York, which attracts millions of tourists, doesn’t have adequate public toilets. Public toilets can often be quite dirty and messy, which is definitely not ideal. Additionally, it’s unfortunate that some of these facilities may create situations where individuals with malicious intent could potentially corner you.

In the evenings, the sanitation and safety conditions tend to deteriorate, so it’s a good idea to make use of the restroom at your hotel before heading out. You have the option to utilize the amenities available at big department stores, popular bookstores, as well as various bars and restaurants.

Take Away

You definitely don’t want to ruin your vacation by constantly stressing about all the things that could go wrong. Exploring New York City is such an exciting experience, and you want to make the most out of your trip and enjoy every moment of it.

Approach your trip with security tips, and you’ll have the opportunity to create memories that will stay with you for a lifetime. Now that you’ve got the hang of getting around the city without any mishaps, it’s time to take your safety game up a notch.