
    How to Use Social Media Posts to Shape Your Brand Identity

    Your brand is the public face of your company. Your brand identity serves as a visual representation of your company’s values, concepts, and personality. Customers will identify you with this, which increases customer loyalty and fosters a sense of pride among those on your staff for being a part of the company. Your brand is elevated by a beautifully designed brand identity, which does more than just support it. A strong visual identity spreads quickly through your website, social media presence, and logo, explaining to potential clients who you are, the values you stand for, and why they should care.

    On the other hand, your brand experience may be hampered by a poor brand identity. Most companies believe that they have achieved brand identity building if they only have a logo, color scheme, and business book. However, an inconsistent visual identity will reflect poorly on your brand and fail to convey a coherent story about it across all of your interactions.  This prevents you from developing a deep relationship with the individuals you are attempting to reach.

    For instance, Coca-Cola was founded in 1886, and even though the company has changed over time, its essential qualities from 133 years ago have not changed. This includes the instantly recognizable bright red and white color scheme of the brand combined with the easily recognizable Coca-Cola typeface.

    5 Steps on How to Use Social Media to Build Brand Identity

    Below are five easy steps on how to use social media to shape brand identity:

    Step 1: Start From the Beginning

    To build a brand on social media, you need to build a strong foundation first.

    Your Logo Should be Well Defined

    How do you think people will know that a graphic image that you upload or a specific video you made is your own? Or is it your company that consistently posts such clever and humorous updates? It is not possible to use your company name in all social media posts. Your logo works silently but efficiently to promote you. An effective logo communicates your level of professionalism to your audience. One way to do this would be to make an infographic and include a tiny-font link to your company website at the conclusion.

    What is the likelihood that someone will notice or take notice of this? If you include a professional-looking logo, it gets noticed and the person who posted the infographic is identified. Your logo serves as the public face of your company and is an effective tool for developing a strong social media presence.

    For instance, if you own a product you want to showcase through social media, high-end rigid packaging would be perfect for this job as you show your product box opening where you can add a logo inside the box lid, which will give an instant glimpse to your customer about your brand or that specific product.

    • Brand message

    The core value proposition of your brand and the language you use to communicate it are referred to as the brand message. For instance, you could speak in a humorous, ironic, friendly, or formal manner. This is what inspires, motivates, and finally persuades a particular audience segment to relate to your brand and purchase your product.

    You can instantly connect with that audience section via social media. Additionally, you can grab their attention and share your brand message by interacting and communicating with them on a regular basis.

    • Brand voice

    Your brand’s voice is the distinct character that it conveys through communication. Let’s assume that you are at a cocktail party, and one of the attendees catches your attention because they are funny, in a unique way. Speaking with them is a completely different experience because of their personality, the vocabulary they use, and the way they say things. You instantly think about them when you tell that same joke to someone else. 

    Building a strong social media identity can be facilitated by interacting and communicating clearly in your posts and having a distinct brand voice.

    Step 2: Have a Compelling and Moving Brand Story

    Would you ignore a compelling story? People are storytellers, and telling stories is essential to being human. Getting someone on board as your customer is easy. All you need to do is tell them an engaging story that they can personally identify with. They will be more likely to interact with you if they feel like they’re a part of that story and have something to say.

    If you want long term benefits, build your brand first. For instance, TOMS does a fantastic job of sharing information about its products, emphasizing the brand’s narrative, and highlighting how you can get involved to feel connected to the company.

    Step 3: Consistently Stay in Touch With Your Audience

    Every social media platform is unique from the others. Fundamentally, all of the platforms help people connect more deeply and keep in touch with friends and family, but they all function quite differently from one another.

    Once you are aware of your brand’s narrative, you must simplify it into brief, digestible, and interactive social media posts. You can use a lot of words on Twitter, but on Instagram, you must use images to tell your tale. However, on Facebook, you can use both of them depending on the topic.

      ,m\-You must adhere to a regular and stable schedule. A social media scheduler like SocialPilot can help make this process much simpler!

    Step 4: Do not Just Share, Converse!

    Make sure you’re having a conversation as you tell your story. Make an effort to engage and show genuine concern for your users in order to develop a two-way relationship. Steer clear of using social media to promote your products.

    Profit from current trends while retaining the personality and voice of your brand in the dialogue. Customers must identify with your companies and values if you want your business to expand.

    Step 5: Talk like a human

    Speaking with a robot is boring. Therefore, stop talking in business terms and start interacting with your clients like people. Continue to use a more conversational style. Talk to your users by their first name and engage in informal conversation without hesitation. How would your business respond in a given circumstance if it were a person?

    Would they offer an apology for the inconvenience caused? Or would they say something like, “Rakesh, I am apologetic that you had to go through that. Tell me what happened via direct message, and we’ll work to find a solution as soon as possible.” 

    Speaking with a human voice and personality will increase the relatability of your brand. And it might even become viral if you do it correctly. If you are using a chatbot for easier social media management ensure that the bot sounds human.

    In essence, all of these steps can help you in shaping your brand identity on social media. However, what matters is how consistent you are in posting and adapting to new trends and technologies. Will you apply all these to your profile on social media channels and see the change in your brand identity? Do let us know. 

    Key Takeaways

    • The first step should be to build your brand voice, message and logo.
    • Tell compelling stories to move your audience.
    • Consistency is important for building a brand.
    • Talk with your audience like a friend.
    • Converse in human language and not a robotic one.

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