
    5 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Car Insurance

    With technological advancement came cars, and their use continhues to rise. These days cars are no longer referred to as ‘luxury items’ but as a basic necessity. When you purchase a new vehicle, you experience comfort, convenience, a sense of security, and some pride. Ensuring the longevity of this acquired comfort is why people consider car insurance.

    Car Insurance is an agreement to pay premiums for protection against financial losses resulting from an accident or other damage to your car and constitutes a contract between you and an insurance provider. That said, car insurance can cover; car damages, whether to your vehicle or another driver’s; accident-related property damage or bodily injuries; and fu oofneral costs or medical fees for accidents-related injuries. 

    Safeguarding your investment when you purchase or lease a car is crucial. Car insurance is almost mandatory in every state, and it varies from state to state. Moreover, such a type of coverage can keep your mind at rest if you are in an accident, your car is stolen, vandalized, or suffers natural disaster damage.

    Types of Car Insurance

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    The major types of car insurance include:

    Comprehensive or Total Car Insurance 

    These insurance policies provide coverage for losses resulting from damage to the insured vehicle and losses to third parties. They cover personal accidents, natural catastrophes-related damages, and third-party damages. For a state like Texas, where personal vehicles are more often than not the primary mode of transportation, getting comprehensive and total car insurance becomes even more important. 

    Third-Party Car Insurance 

    These insurance policies solely provide coverage for the financial obligations resulting from any loss or damage to a third party. Third-party insurance covers a third party involved in an accident with your car dying or being hurt or damaged to their vehicle. It also covers personal accidents.

    Things You Should Know Before Getting A Car Insurance

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    No Claim Bonuses

    Before you buy cheap Texas auto insurance, you must thoroughly understand the concept of the No Claim Bonus. This is because it is essential in helping you pay less by lowering your premium. A No Claim Bonus (NCB) is a discount on your policy renewal premium, which you get if you don’t file a claim throughout the policy year. 

    When renewing your auto insurance, you can use the NCB to lower your cost. Additionally, you are eligible for a 50% NCB discount on your renewal rate if you go five years without filing a claim. Thus, be sure to comprehend the No Claim Bonus concept in full before purchasing car insurance coverage.

    Recognize the Coverage Provided

    The coverage provided by the policy is one of the most crucial elements of car insurance for new drivers. This is important because the coverage provided must at least be in line with the minimum car insurance for your state. Also, proper knowledge or understanding of the insurance coverage you’re subscribing to helps you know how insured you are. For example, a third-party liability car insurance policy will protect you from any unintentional third-party liability brought on by your vehicle. 

    These liabilities include a third party’s death or property damage. However, it does not protect your car. If you choose an alternative, which is a comprehensive car insurance policy, your vehicle and third-party liabilities are covered. Although not required, a comprehensive or total car insurance policy is advised because it provides broader coverage.


    Even though a comprehensive car insurance policy is more extensive, it still excludes coverage for some types of damages. These include the price of fixing non-accidental tire damage. However, you can pay an additional fee to your insurer to acquire add-on coverage to protect against these damages at a little extra cost. 

    If you have a brand-new vehicle, you can choose add-on coverage options for your auto insurance policy, such as for tire or engine damages. You also have to be careful, or else you’ll find yourself buying every add-on your insurer offers, even if you don’t need them. Hence, ensure you get only the add-ons you need

    Insured Declared Value (IDV) vs. Premium

    The terms “premium” and Insured Declared Value (IDV) “IDV” must be familiar to you. Both terms might be difficult to understand because they may seem similar but are very different. When you sign up for insurance coverage, you will have to pay a premium which refers to the money you pay to the insurer. The insurer then protects your car in return for the protection

    On the other hand, Insured Declared Value (IDV) refers to the insured vehicle’s current market value. This is the compensation your insurance company agrees to pay on the occasion of a total loss of your car. This is calculated by considering the current selling price of your vehicle, as well as the depreciation it has accrued over the years of its use. 

    Voluntary Deductibles

    This is another important concept that must be understood. Voluntary deductibles refer to the percentage of your claim that you agree to pay the company at the time of your claim settlement. This also impacts your premium because If you opt not to pay any deductibles, you will have to pay higher premiums.


    If you are going to get a car insurance coverage after purchasing a car for the first time, you must thoroughly understand the necessary concepts. This article will help you understand those concepts briefly so you can know what to expect and not make any mistakes. 


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