Abacus is an amazing art. Whether your child learns Abacus offline or enrolls in Abacus classes online, if he masters it under the guidance of a professional trainer, he can become a human calculator and be way ahead of the peers. Not only in the field of Mathematics, Abacus will help him in various spheres of life since it leads to stronger focus, concentration and grasping power. It is truly a life skill.
Why should you choose Abacus classes online
Now coming to this very important topic – whether to opt for offline or online mode of classes, let me present some of the key benefits for Abacus classes online (as compared to offline mode) that may not have crossed your mind since you realize these only once you go through this learning journey.
Top 10 Benefits of Abacus Classes Online for Kids
- As a parent you get wide options to choose the best trainer across the globe, instead of limiting yourself to teachers within the vicinity of your physical location. There are many coaching academies who are expanding their reach via online mode and if you do your research right, you can ensure to get a good and proven trainer.
- You can regularly monitor whether a child is attentive during the class or not since he is attending online classes in front of your eyes. This way you are not totally dependent on the teacher but are proactively able to ensure that your child is focusing in the class.
- Full Transparency – Another beauty of online classes is that parents are always aware about the teacher’s methodology and whether he/she is able to engage and connect with your child in an effective way. If you see any challenges or early signs of any concern, you can immediately catch those and speak to the teachers to remediate them.
- You can easily assess the progress of the child with respect to his peers. Usually in the practice sessions, the teacher speaks out the questions to all the students in the batch and at the end students speak the answer. You can watch live if your child is able to solve the question in a timely manner or he is struggling with the concept or speed.
- Mostly the teachers prefer to keep the batch size small in online classes (4-6) as compared to offline; since they inevitably need to provide more attention to every child to gain effective results. In the offline mode a teacher can easily read the body language of the child but in online mode they have to be more connected, and hence most reputed academies will ensure a smaller batch size to deliver quality results.
- Support your child in homework – Parents get an opportunity to learn the basics and advantages of abacus by joining the same classes and this allows them to help their child if he is getting stuck while doing homework or struggling to learn any concept. So basically, the child is having an advantage in the form of additional support.
- Save Traveling time – The traveling time that your child will end up spending in case of offline classes can be better used in other productive things like doing his homework, or simply spending quality family time with you.
- Avoid exhaustion – As an added advantage of traveling time being avoided, a child is not unnecessarily exhausted and remains fresh. Thus, able to better focus on his other tasks.
- Convenience – What is the harm if you are getting the much-desired convenience to attend the classes from the comfort of your home. We all are ready to even pay a slightly higher price for more convenience, aren’t we?
- Training sessions can always be recorded (with the consent of the trainer) and can be referred later in case the child missed any session due to sickness or non-availability, or has doubts and wants to repeat the session. Isn’t this one of the greatest benefits?
Are you looking for Abacus teacher training?
Abacus is also a great career opportunity as long as you are passionate about Maths and love engaging with children. However, you must remember that patience is the key and as a trainer you must not rush in promoting the children to the next level. A child needs a thorough practice only then he will succeed in the next level. Sometimes you may also need to repeat the same Abacus level for a student if he hasn’t practiced it enough.
Overall, I strongly recommend that you should use the growing technology of the internet and opt for online classes today, whether for your kids or for yourself if you are looking to become an Abacus trainer. I can recommend a few training schools based on my own experience and you can also do your own research.
Mathcruise is one of the training academies based in Delhi, excelling in the best abacus online classes for both students and teachers alike. Their Abacus teacher training and Vedic Maths teacher training programs are specially designed to support them end-to-end, including infrastructure, books, and teaching techniques beyond the regular curriculum. They also offer Vedic Maths online classes, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. Most importantly, they never rush to complete the course, allowing students and teachers to grasp concepts thoroughly.
Udemy courses are also a good option but it’s limited to the videos only so you do not get the interaction with the trainer. So go with an option that works best for you and give it your 100%, you will surely love it and in the process, you will learn the most trending and innovative way to learn Maths.