How Does a Stormwater Management System Work? A Brief Guide

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Have you ever thought about what happens to rainwater when it rains? Or to mountains of snow when they melt? In super rainy areas—where does it all go?

Stormwater management is the process of preventing runoff water from damaging buildings, people, and the environment around it. It often also involves removing any pollutants that it could contain. It is often then reused for other purposes.

This is achieved through something called a stormwater management system. Stormwater management provides a service that is necessary and in many ways invaluable.

You’ve probably seen or interacted with a stormwater management system without even knowing it. If you’d like to learn more about these vital features of landscapes, buildings, and cities, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn everything you need to know.

What Is a Stormwater Management System?

A stormwater management system can take many forms. It can include features that are part of a building or the landscape surrounding a building.

It’s made up of features that were included in a building or structure when it was being designed and constructed. Consultants or stormwater management companies assist with the implementation of these systems.

Why Is It Important to Have?

There are many reasons stormwater best management practices should be followed when designing our cities and towns. The first and most obvious is that it can help to prevent flooding. These systems can stop catastrophic events from occurring and can help to save buildings that might otherwise have been damaged.

As well as this important function, stormwater management systems also facilitate a more eco-friendly world. They are in many cases able to reuse rainwater for other purposes. This helps the environment rather than hinders it.

Take, for example, infrastructures such as green roofs and constructed wetlands. They serve the dual purpose of saving buildings and landscapes while also saving the environment.

What Are the Different Types of Stormwater Management Systems Out There?

Let’s look at some concrete (pardon the pun) examples of stormwater systems in action. A stormwater management system can be something as simple as creating permeable pavements or adding rain barrels at roof downspouts to collect the runoff rainwater to be reused at a later date.

It can also be something more complex, like incorporating a complex geocellular system into the plans of a building. This helps it to be sustainable in the future.

There are tonnes of different forms this type of system can take. New concepts are being developed all the time. These systems should above all provide practical and green solutions to the issue that is excess rainwater in urban areas.

The Awesome Importance of Stormwater Management

In all of its many forms, the stormwater management system should be something we appreciate. Behind the scenes of any city or construction site, there are people working hard to protect us, our buildings, and the environment in the future. If you’ve found this article intriguing, don’t forget to check out the rest of our content.