How You Can Choose the Proper Ultrasonic Cleaner for Your Industrial Cleaning Needs

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If you are involved in a sector or industry which requires you to clean industrial parts and components regularly, it is most likely that you are thinking about ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaning comes with many advanced benefits, and it allows you to save time and effort and ensure that all the parts and components you need to have cleaned are done so in the best and most thorough manner. But if you are on the lookout for an industrial ultrasonic cleaner, how can you select the correct one? After all, they come with different features, shapes, and sizes. Here’s how you can choose the proper ultrasonic cleaner for your industrial cleaning needs wastewater treatment.

Know what it is and what it can do

Some of us may think that since it’s an industrial cleaner, it must be large because it deals with industrial parts and components. But this is not the case at all, as the washer’s capacity will be dictated by the parts you need to be cleaned. You can, for example, choose from floor-mounted or bench- or worktop models or units.

When selecting one, you also have to think about the length of your preferred cleaning cycle. For example, if you would like a long-term process meaning the cleaner will have to run continuously throughout a work shift, the model or unit you choose should come with a heavy-duty and robust tank so it can have a longer lifespan.

Think about some major features you require  

  • If you would like to get the ideal ultrasonic cleaner, providers of industrial parts cleaning services such as Sonic Solutions can tell you that it’s best to purchase a cleaner unit that lets the largest components be fully submerged in the solution. You would have to assess the cleaner’s ‘working depth’, and this is the distance from the bottom of the basket or rack and the cleaning solution’s surface.
  • If you use baskets for keeping various parts, the baskets should be smaller compared to the internal dimension of the tank. If the information isn’t included in the general datasheet of the ultrasonic cleaner, you could ask the supplier to give you the details.
  • You would also have to consider the heaviness of the components or parts you are having cleaned because this will determine if you have to clean them using baskets or you can suspend them from the overhead. You also have the option to rest the parts on racks that are built right into the bottom of the tank.
  • It’s important not to overload the tank bath, as the efficiency of the ultrasonic cleaner can suffer. You will get more satisfactory results if you clean several small batches instead of a single big set.
  • To get the most efficient clean, the parts or components should not be touching each other.

The ultrasonic cleaning process happens when bubbles interact with the surface of the parts you want to be cleaned, and they can carry and blast away any dirt or contaminants. Again, you have the option of outsourcing your industrial ultrasonic cleaning needs rather than buying an ultrasonic cleaner, as such a service will be more adept at ultrasonic cleaning – and you can save even more time, effort, and money as well.