6 Christmas Decorations Trends to Watch This Season

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Did you know that in 2017 there were more than 32 million real Christmas trees sold in the United States? Christmas is one of the happiest and enjoyable holidays and seasons of each and every year and a huge part of that is Christmas decorations. It doesn’t matter if you’re wanting to celebrate Christmas in July if you love outdoor Christmas decorations.

The right Christmas decorations will make your Christmas Zoom parties that much more memorable. If you’re worried about your Christmas decorations for this year’s festive season, worry no more. You’ve come to the right place to learn about Christmas decorations and interior design.

Continue reading to learn all about the six most popular Christmas decoration trends for the year 2021.

1. Recycled Materials

One of the most popular things in all industries right now is the use of recycled materials. That isn’t any different when it comes to Christmas decorations. People are even choosing to wrap their Christmas gifts with fabric rather than wrapping paper as a way to help the environment.

A big trend for Christmas 2021 is that people are choosing to use recycled and eco-friendly decor to set the Christmas mood in their homes. This is something that is at the top of many peoples’ minds. It doesn’t mean that you need to throw out all of your old Christmas decorations. An easy thing to switch is changing from wrapping paper to fabric or even cloth gift bags.

2. Inexpensive Decor

Another big trend for this upcoming Christmas is the use of inexpensive Christmas decor. Again, this doesn’t mean you need to overhaul the Christmas decorations that you have. It gives you a great opportunity to supplement those decorations with new Christmas decorating trends.

This year people are focusing more on using inexpensive decorating methods that blend perfectly with their current repertoire of decorations they have on hand. The best approach to take is by repurposing older Christmas decorations. Combine this with also creating new and inexpensive do-it-yourself Christmas decorations.

Not only are DIY Christmas decorations less expensive, but they have a much higher sentimental value now and in the future. You’ll remember making those decorations as well as the good memories and happy times you experienced with those Christmas decorations.

This also has the benefit of leaving you with a larger budget for things like Christmas gifts for loved ones, a bigger Christmas meal, or even a Christmas vacation.

3. Lots of Christmas Cookies

If the internet is any indication, one of the biggest things to expect when it comes to Christmas decorations for 2021 is a massive increase in the types and numbers of Christmas cookies that get baked this year. Given the fact that nothing was normal about last year’s Christmas, it is no surprise that people are ready to get together again and resume great traditions like baking cookies.

Even if you’re not able to get together with extended family or friends, baking Christmas cookies is something that you can do with your immediate family and have a blast. If you want to take things a step further, decorate the cookies together using icing and sprinkles to create that perfect Christmas cookie look.

From there, all that is left to do is grab a glass of milk or eggnog and let yourself enjoy the joy of eating Christmas cookies by the tree or the fire.

4. Holiday Classics

While the pandemic likely kept people from spending time during the Holidays with friends and extended family, it did a lot to bring back one of the best Christmas traditions of the past 100 years. More people watched Christmas movies together as a family than in years past.

One of the best parts of Christmas is all of the movies that are associated with it. These classics, like Home Alone, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and A Christmas Story, all bring back fond memories for viewers that grew up watching them. It is a big trend for 2021 to sit back and enjoy these Christmas classics whether by yourself or with your family and friends.

5. Christmas Lights

Another big Christmas classic is the use of Christmas lights on your home. Though it was popular before Christmas Vacation was released, Christmas lights are now synonymous with Clark Griswold and his massive amounts of Christmas lights on his home. Christmas lights are another big trend for this year because they’re a display of the Christmas spirit.

They’re a great way to express to friends, neighbors, and people walking or driving past that you love this time of year and want to spread that Christmas cheer to everyone that passes your home. The best part of getting Christmas lights is that there are wonderful and helpful people that will help you put them up. Click here to learn about Christmas light installation near me.

6. Nostalgic Christmas Decorations

If there is one thing that living in the midst of a global pandemic has taught people, it is that you shouldn’t take the small things in life for granted. Because of this, people are embracing nostalgic trends and old-school decor like never before. This means that now is the perfect time to break out that ceramic Christmas tree that’s been hiding away in your basement for the past couple of decades.

These charming little Christmas decorations have grown to become iconic Christmas decorations for any home. A ceramic Christmas tree is a sure way to get people talking at a Christmas party or get together at your place. If you don’t have one, you might get lucky and find one in a local thrift store.

Get Started With Your Christmas Decorations

Nothing sets the tone for the Holidays like Christmas decorations. Whether it is a tree adorned with lights and ornaments or something as simple as a vintage ceramic Christmas tree, these traditions bring back great memories and happy feelings.

In order to keep up with 2021’s Christmas decoration trends, be sure to put up a lot of Christmas lights and enjoy all of the classic Christmas movies. You’ll also want to use recycled materials for decorating and wrapping gifts.

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