
    Is it possible to access TMY data for any location worldwide?

    Getting to Regular Meteorological Year (TMY) information for any area overall isn’t generally clear, yet luckily, a few assets are accessible with differing levels of inclusion and openness. Here is a breakdown:

    Global Coverage:

    • PVGIS TMY Generator: This free online tool by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre offers TMY data for most locations globally. It utilises satellite-based and reanalysis data, covering the years 2005-2020. Downloadable formats include CSV, JSON, and EPW.
    • NASA Langley Research Center: Provides TMY data for various locations worldwide, mainly North America. Users can select specific data points or download complete datasets.
    • Public Environmentally friendly power Lab (NREL): Offers TMY information for different US areas through its Public Sun based Radiation Data set (NSRDB).Paid options provide broader regional coverage.

    Regional and National Resources:

    • National Meteorological Services: Many national meteorological services offer TMY data for their respective countries.Models incorporate the Public Maritime and Climatic Organization (NOAA) for the US, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) for Germany, and Japan Meteorological Office (JMA) for Japan.
    • Research Foundations and Colleges: Particular exploration establishments and colleges could keep up with TMY information chronicles for explicit districts or nations. Search online using relevant keywords and the target location.
    • Commercial Providers: Companies like Meteonorm and Solcast offer comprehensive TMY datasets with global coverage, often with higher spatial resolution and additional parameters compared to free resources. However, access typically requires paid subscriptions.

    Factors to Consider:

    • Location Precision: Global datasets like PVGIS offer broad coverage, but might not capture microclimates or complex terrain variations. National and regional resources or higher-resolution commercial data might be needed for specific requirements.
    • Data Format and Compatibility: Ensure the chosen resource provides data in a format compatible with your analysis software or application.
    • Data Quality and Validation: Reputable sources prioritise data quality and validation. Check the documentation for details on methodology and data accuracy.
    • Cost and Access: Many free resources exist, but they might have limitations. If high-resolution data or specific parameters are needed, paid options might be necessary.


    While absolute global coverage with open access might not be readily available, numerous resources offer TMY data access for a wide range of locations. By considering your specific needs, location precision, data format, and budget, you can find the appropriate source to unlock the valuable insights offered by TMY data in your project. Remember, collaboration with data providers and experts can always ensure you get the most accurate and suitable data for your specific needs.

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