
    How to Increase Brand Awareness for Your Business

    How many people recognize your company by just glancing at your logo or marketing materials? It can take consumers over five impressions before they begin to remember your brand. Without a strong brand awareness strategy, you won’t linger in their minds.

    Here are a few tips you can use to increase brand awareness for your business. Use these tips to stand out from the competition today!

    Maintain Brand Consistency

    Consumers will confuse your brand for another if your visual branding isn’t consistent. Develop a brand guidelines document to ensure consistency. These guidelines should include your:

    • Mission statement
    • Vision statement
    • Voice
    • Tone
    • Personality
    • Color palette
    • Imagery styles
    • Font styles

    When using the rest of these marketing tips, maintain brand consistency across all channels. Over time, people will begin to recognize your brand.

    Create an omnichannel marketing strategy. Appearing on multiple platforms will expand your reach and brand visibility. With time and consistency, brand awareness can grow into recognition.

    Share Content

    Create a content marketing strategy to reach your customers online. Design different forms of branded content, including:

    • Blogs/articles
    • Thought leadership pieces
    • Polls
    • Quizzes
    • Webinars
    • Videos
    • Testimonials
    • Infographics
    • eBooks

    Use search engine optimization (SEO) to help more people find your content online. SEO will ensure your content appears as consumers search relevant terms. Create content based on keyword research to appear for these searches.

    You can use the content you create to strengthen the rest of your marketing strategy. Share your posts using email and social media marketing to generate brand awareness.

    Create Digital Ads

    Paid advertising will help your brand appear in front of ideal customers. Use the Google Ads platform to create text and display ads. Design video and animated ads to catch the consumer’s eye.

    Use Facebook Ads to create ads that meld seamlessly among organic content. When someone clicks on these ads, they’ll reach your website.

    Use remarketing ads to keep appearing in front of previous website visitors. Remember, it takes multiple impressions before consumers become aware of your business.

    Design Postcards

    Use print advertising to put something tangible in the hands of your customers. Design postcards using your brand guidelines. Make sure your business postcards pop and feature a strong call to action.

    You can design postcards for your business here. Consumers hold onto postcards and even place them on the fridge. Each time they see it, they’ll recall your brand.

    Encourage Referrals

    Create a referral program and encourage your customers to direct friends to your business. Reward your customers for their referrals as an incentive. This strategy will allow you to leverage word-of-mouth marketing.

    Ask customers to share their reviews on your Google Business profile. Your rankings will improve, allowing you to generate more brand awareness.

    Increase Brand Awareness Today

    If you want to grow your business, learning how to increase brand awareness is essential. Use these tips to develop your brand awareness marketing strategy. Pair with professionals to create branded marketing materials that wow your customers.

    Searching for more helpful tips and tricks? You’ve come to the right blog! Check out our latest marketing guides for more advice.

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