
    Car Transport Service Costs: Key Factors Influencing Auto Dispatching Rates Today

    The roles of car transport service providers can’t be overlooked in the logistics industry today. These service providers are responsible for shipping vehicles from one location to another for businesses and individuals. They only get involved when the shipping distance is very large or multiple vehicles are required to be transported. Today, vehicle transport services isn’t just about transporting these vehicles. In addition, car movers take advantage of their skills to deliver the vehicles efficiently, timely, and safely (without scratches or dents).

    When it comes to hiring a suitable auto shipping company today, one key factor worth considering is costs. In the rest of this post, you’ll understand the different factors influencing auto dispatching in logistics today. In addition, you’ll also discover why choosing Universal Transit as your go-to car transport service provider is worth it. So, read on!

    Here are the key factors that affect the cost of auto shipping

    1. Vehicle’s model, size, & weight

    Today, car carriers put many factors into consideration when calculating auto transport rates. One of these factors is the model of the vehicle(s) you’re looking to transport. According to industry experts, the heavier or larger your vehicles are, the more likely they are going to require advanced equipment and other essential resources to have them transported efficiently, securely, and timely. The need for specialized equipment and resources is exactly what results in the higher costs of transporting these vehicles. 

    Apart from the size and weight of a car, you may also need to pay a very high auto dispatching rate if you’re dealing with luxury vehicles. Car transport service providers need to be extra careful and the best security to transport these vehicles. This explains why these vehicles often incur higher dispatch rates.

    1. Location & shipping routes

    The current location and final destination of your vehicle(s) can also influence auto dispatching rates today. To achieve efficient and timely dispatching, the best car transport service providers often conduct route planning. With effective planning, movers can easily understand the safest and shortest routes to transport your vehicles to their final destinations.

    Since efficient routes save fuel and time, you can also expect low cost of car transport service. Universal Transit has extension network that spread across different cities in the US. This ayto dispatch company understands exactly what it needs to do to carry out efficient route planning and optimization. As such, you can always expect favourable auti dispatch rates when you hire this car transport service provider..

    1. Car conditions & operability

    Your vehicles’ condition is another key factor that influences the rate of auto dispatch services. Are the vehicles operable or inoperable?

    Transporting operable or inoperable vehicle(s) certainly have their effects on car transport service costs. Generally, operable vehicles are a lot more cheaper to transport than inoperable vehicles. Here’s why:

    • First, operable vehicles can be driven by the movers onto the transport carriers. As such, there certainly won’t be a need for specialized equipment to hurl the vehicles.
    • As the name suggests, inoperable vehicles can’t be driven unto the carriers. As such, additional services, equipment, and resources are needed to hurl the vehicles safely and efficiently for shipping. This explains why transporting inoperable vehicles incur higher dispatch rates.
    1. Transportation type (Open vs Enclosed)

    When it comes to auto shipping from one location to another, you have two major transportation options; open and enclosed. The option you choose can greatly influence the cost of dispatching your vehicle.

    • Choosing open car transport service means you agree with the movers to expose your vehicles to various elements, such as road debris and harsh weather, during the shipping period.
    • Enclosed service means your vehicle will be protected from harsh weather, road debris, and other elements.

     Looking at the two options, we can safely say that open vehicle transport is way more cost effective. But can you try this option for luxury vehicles? Various elements can easily damage your luxury vehicles and to avoid these costly damages, going for the enclosed option is advised.

    1. Economic factors

    Several different economic factors can certainly influence auto dispatch rates today. For instance, a sudden surge in the price of diesel and gasoline means you need to pay a higher auto transport rate.

    Another factor is weather conditions, such as bad weather. If you need to transport your vehicle when the weather is very harsh, you may need to go for the enclosed car transport service option – this means a higher dispatch rate.


    Wrapping up, various factors certainly influence the rate of car transport service today. Vehicle specifications, economic conditions, transportation type, car operability, and shipping routes are the major factors that play a significant role in determining the exact rates of auto dispatching today.

    As a leading provider in this field, Universal Transit’s auto shipping rates are transparent and you can also expect the company to deliver efficient and safe services. The company has a team of trained movers, who knows exactly what to do to handle your vehicles with care and deliver them on time.

    For precise cost calculations tailored to your specific needs, you can also use Universal Transit’s online calculator to find out the rates of vehicle shipping.

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