
    9 Ways to Earn Views from Facebook PageĀ 

    Turning your Facebook page into real money can be a daunting task. Getting organic views is a huge achievement, and seeing them become money is like bumping into a gold mine. Anyone can earn money from a Facebook page all they have to do is understand the audience’s interests and preferences.

    There is more than one way of getting paid for a Facebook page. Know that the road to this type of earning will not be easy. In this guide, youā€™ll learn multiple and straightforward ways to transform your growth journey on Facebook.Ā 

    How to Monetize Facebook Page?

    Tailoring a single strategy according to the audienceā€™s wants will make you money from your Facebook page and increase engagement and following.Ā 

    1. Sell Services and Products

    If you have something to sell that fulfills the everyday needs of the audience or keeps them in the trends, then your Facebook page will be drenched with money. You will only get paid for your Facebook page if they are fully organic.Ā 

    Create a professional Facebook Shop and link it with your website – if everything goes right, your page will start making money. Ensure that your products and services, images, and prices are updated at all times.

    2. Monetize via Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing has been a hype since 2019 and it has made people a heck lot of money. Having tons of Facebook page can make mega companies trust your page. Such companies will connect with you and ask you to sell their products on a certain and decided commission.Ā 

    If companies are not coming to you, you have to do the honors. Make a good report of your Facebook page, traffic, following, engagement, and anything that can impress companies.Ā 

    3. Facebook Ad Revenue Sharing

    Once your Facebook page becomes known, the platform itself starts to give you money. When you post a video, it starts to get Ad Breaks. Each time a Facebook user sees the video, your page makes money. This money is a small part of what Facebook makes from those ads.

    To earn money in such a way, your Facebook page has to have a lot of views and meet certain criteria. These ads only appear on videos, so no matter what your niche is, try to make video content as much as possible.

    4. Sponsored Content and Posts

    Just like affiliate marketing, companies may ask you to team up with them. You might have to create a post that tells a good deal about the company – this is a win-win situation where you get paid, and the other party gets customers.Ā 

    You can do a live stream about the companyā€™s products or services, create a short video reviewing their products, or create a simple post with a caption and an image. The post type is decided beforehand.

    5. Offer Membership or Premium Content

    If you have a bunch of followers who are always your top viewers, you can make premium content for them for a monthly, yearly, or one-time fee. This means making your fans a VIP club; theyā€™d be the first and only ones to see your exclusive content.Ā 

    Your followers will feel extra special and may invite their close ones to join the membership. In this way, your boat will slowly start to sail. It is steady, but a promising way to convert your Facebook page into money.

    6. Organize Webinars and Events

    Your Facebook page are waiting to be monetized. If you excel at some skills, show it to the world via your Facebook page. You can organize webinars, and online workshops and host live events. You can either host these events for free or keep a small fee.Ā 

    You can upload a sneak peek of the events or give complete details about the topics – this will keep the audience engaged and most likely share events, resulting in more followers and attendees.

    7. Become an Influencer

    Everyone seems to be an influencer nowadays. For some, it is an easy road to success, money, and fame. But the fact is that it is as difficult as getting 1k organic on a Facebook page. If you get a lot of requests to make videos, then surely your followers will like to see you as an influencer on Facebook.Ā 

    Being an influencer, there are many ways to earn money from a Facebook page; for example, sell others or your products and services, do affiliate marketing, give shoutouts, and much more.

    8. Go Live on Facebook

    Going live on Facebook will take your engagement to the top and get a bunch of views on the Facebook page. Showing your products and how you conduct live streaming services on Facebook will enhance peopleā€™s trust in your line of work.

    Your Facebook page will start to buy products or render services from you. Some live streaming gets ads; when this happens, know that your happy days on Facebook have started.

    9. Donations and Crowdfunding

    Surprisingly, some good people are left in the world who genuinely want to see other people grow and become successful. If you have a bunch of followers who interact with your stories and post instantly, you can ask them for a donation or get crowdfunding.

    You can simply ask your followers nicely to show some support. If you have a good number of Facebook page views, some of them must be true fans of your content and will definitely donate.


    How do I check my FB page monetization?

    Follow the below steps to check FB page monetization:

    • Go to meta business suite
    • Select the FB page
    • Click on the Monetization tab

    In this tab, you get all the monetization criteria and eligibility details.

    How many likes do I need on my FB page to earn money?

    You need at least 10,000 likes and followers to earn money from your Facebook page. Increment in likes and followers will increase the amount you are getting from the platform.

    What kind of Facebook page can make money?

    Although the methods mentioned above can make your page a money-generating source, the most popular Facebook page types that make money are affiliate marketing, pages that have video content, and pages that do sponsored content posting.


    Earning money from a Facebook page requires a lot of understanding of your audienceā€™s preferences, creativity, and dedication. Once you have enough views to make money, you have to be super consistent and post according to trends.

    The above monetization avenues will take your income to an entirely different realm. By now, you have an idea that there is no direct way to convert a Facebook page into money, but you can use these to earn money in multiple ways.

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